- The Reclaim Team
April Bug Fixes & Improvements
We're always on the hunt for bugs and improvements, as we want the best experience possible for our awesome users. If you run into a bug, let us know at support@reclaim.ai.
Updated product nav to make user settings more discoverable and restyled new task button + commandbar
Fixed issue with seats in Billing showing as consumed when they weren't
ClickUp Task integration is now live!
New support for daily Smart 1:1s
Train trips are now identified as "travel time"
You can now add default time policy (e.g., working vs. personal hours), start date and due dates for Tasks in Settings > General
You can now mark Habits as "Always Free" or "Always Busy"
Fixed bug where a sync repair didn't catch recurring series that ended
"a" and "p" now work as shorthand for "am" and "pm"
Hyperlinks and full "Github-style" markdown are now supported on Task descriptions
If "h" or "m" isn't specified in a duration, we'll now default to "h", or hours
Save buttons on Habits/Tasks are now sticky so you don't have to scroll all the way down
You can now join calls from synced events
#reclaim_free focus time sessions or no-meeting days now exclude the scheduling of Smart 1:1s
Fixed bug where Task edit screen was not showing due date
You can now sort team users by Admin role in the Billing & Team page
Fixed bug where 2023 Task due dates were getting moved back a year
Fixed bug where "Back" and "Cancel" weren't working when editing newly created Habits
We now have better support for detecting addresses in the US, Germany, Sweden, Brazil, and dozens of other countries with predictable postal codes
Events with conference links are now automatically categorized as "meetings"
Fixed issue where recurring synced events were not getting detected
Fixed scheduled sort order bug in Task list
You can now specify personal vs. work Task types from Todoist
Fixed bug where declining a Smart 1:1 would not clear out the attendees events
You can now mark individual past Habits/Tasks as incomplete
New defaults for Tasks: "Delay start" and "Due in" for better scheduling control
Fixed rare Habit editing bug where inputs weren't properly saving for day of week
Fixed rare Habit editing bug where changing around changing frequency from once to twice per week
Travel Time will no longer overlap with other Travel Time events, and will intelligently adapt when there isn't enough space to fit the default travel time event
Decompression Time now snaps to the edge of the previous event (e.g., for speedy meetings) and won't overlap with other Decompression Time events
Fixed bug where declined Smart 1:1s were getting re-accepted
Fixed rare bug where two Smart 1:1s would schedule in one week after rescheduling