The Reclaim Team

Smarter categorization for OOO Google Calendar events

AUTHOR: The Reclaim Team

Out Of Office categorization just got a little smarter.

For shorter OOO blocks, Reclaim's event scoring previously would still categorize the events as 'vacation'. We reflected on user feedback that they are more likely to create an OOO event block to indicate that they are stepping away from their desks for a medical appointment, a school pick up, or something else that's not work – but also not vacation. 

Now, Reclaim will automatically and intelligently categorize your OOO Google Calendar events as:

  • Vacation: Over 8 hours

  • Personal Commitments: Under 8 hours

A small but mighty improvement that allows your Slack Status and Stats to more accurate reflect your availability.

Learn more about how to set vacation and out of office in this help doc.

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